Social Vampire

*** Updated January 2024 ***

Social Vampire is now out of print! And that’s fantastic news. Why?

Last month, I signed with Kesia Lupo at The Bindery Agency.

Cue confetti, fireworks, marching band, etc

[Read all about “How I got my agent” here]

So…what comes next? Traditional publishing moves slowly, and early updates will likely be vague (as required by contract), but the idea is to find as wide an audience as possible by partnering with a major publisher. Stay tuned for more!

In the meantime, if you’d like to pick up the self-published edition (soon to be a collectible!), there are still a few paperback & hardcover copies floating around on the internet. As a win-win, you’d probably be doing me a favor by clearing the internet marketplaces of the self-published edition before the [insert future publisher here!] edition hits the market.

What do you think?