How I got my agent

A blog post which means…after 10+ years working as a writer, I have an agent! What’s the opposite of burying the lead? Leading with the lead? Okay, here we go:

This is going to be a long one, so buckle up. It’s also going to be raw and honest. Publishing is hard. It’s really, really hard. Whether it’s self/indie publishing or traditional publishing, being a writer is a labor of love, and (if you’re anything like me) it’s also a long road filled with highs, lows, and constant doubt.

But — as that embedded post above says — today is focused on one of the highs.

So, how did we get here?

If you’re familiar with my work, that’s probably because of my Click Your Poison interactive gamebook series, or because of my novel Social Vampire. This blog post is largely going to focus on the latter, because it’s the novel that landed me an agent. That said, I’m going to be what’s known as a “hybrid author” — meaning I’m free to continue self-publishing my interactive fiction, while my agent will represent my novels going forward.

Did I mention this has been a long road? Let’s take a look at the timeline:


  • Idea for Social Vampire (then called TEAM GORDON) which I was going to write as a screenplay for a teen comedy movie.
  • Instead, started INFECTED (Click Your Poison #1) based on a completed screenplay of the same name.

I started my writing career with screenplays, which had several false starts, and ultimately didn’t really go anywhere. I figured I’d give self-publishing a try, which was taking off around this time. I didn’t even consider seeking traditional publishers for something as niche as an “adult Choose Your Own Adventure” which is how I thought of Click Your Poison at the time.

The start of my author journey. Author photograph © Franze Photography 2011

We were newly married in 2012, and over the next few years, would move several times for my wife’s career (from California, to Colorado, then to England), and I would continue to publish an average of one Click Your Poison book per year. Fast-forward to:


  • Published MAROONED (Click Your Poison #5)
  • Decided to start a novel-version of Social Vampire/Team Gordon


  • Finished the novel
  • Became a Dad!
  • Moved from the UK back to the US


  • Started Querying
  • Began Writing SPIED (Click Your Poison #6)
  • Moved again; from Alabama to California
  • Became a Dad again!


  • Continued Querying… (new title “How (NOT) to be a Social Vampire”)
  • Published SPIED
  • Wrote HAUNTED (Click Your Poison #7)


  • Continued Querying… (new title “Social Vampire”)
  • Published HAUNTED
  • Started several other projects that amounted to nothing*
  • Moved from California to Colorado
  • Gave up on querying and serially published Social Vampire on the Kindle Vella platform

*The death of these projects were a pretty significant blow. 2022 was also my 10 year anniversary since I started self-publishing, and served as my career low-point, mentally. I’ve already blogged about these challenges, which you can read about here if you’re interested.

You’ll also notice that my querying spanned a period of about three years (which ended around the time of those setbacks). I received a handful of replies to learn more, three full manuscript requests, one revise & resubmit, and…a whole lot of nothing. I’ve since learned that querying during the pandemic and its aftermath was probably the worst possible timing.

After my setbacks, I no longer had the energy to query, and I was running short on hope. I never stopped believing in this book, but I was having a hard time believing it would ever find its time in the sun (there’s a bit of vampiric irony for you). From here, we stagger forward to:


  • Self-published Social Vampire as a novel
  • Began writing short stories
  • Entered contests for the stories and novel
  • Became a Dad for the third time!
  • Received an offer of representation

2023 demands some further explanation. I’ll be the first to admit, I had no idea what I was doing when it came to marketing Social Vampire. My Click Your Poison books were a successful series, but they were completely different and unrelated to a standalone, coming-of-age comedic novel.

Picture taken the day I signed with my agent.

That said, I’ve had some critical success with Social Vampire, including:

And *that’s* what led to my finding an agent. Specifically, the Bath Novel Awards. After I was shortlisted (placed in the top 6 out of 2370), the contest organizer asked if she could help bring my book to agents. I agreed, but honestly I didn’t think anything would come of it.

The “funk” I was in from 2022 had carried on. I’ve had my battles with depression and imposter syndrome, and I was largely going through the motions when it came to my writing career. I was still in love with writing, and I couldn’t help but craft new stories, but I didn’t feel like my efforts were leading anywhere.

To demonstrate my state of mind during this time, I’d like to share a poem I wrote. I entered the Bath Novel Awards on May 31st, 2023. Nineteen days earlier, I wrote this:

Social Vampire was shortlisted in the top 6 books of the contest, across multiple genres (mine was the only Young Adult novel on the shortlist) and after the winner was announced on September 20th, I assumed that was it. A nice feather in my cap, but nothing else.

I was wrong.

I can’t recommend this contest enough, which is currently open for submissions, because it quite literally changed my life. They made the connection with Kesia specifically, because they felt we would work well together. They actually queried her on my behalf.

She read the book, and the week before Christmas, asked if we could talk about representation. I asked her so, so many questions and loved the answers she gave to each. We had a great connection and I gladly signed with her as my literary agent. Which leads to…


  • Social Vampire goes out of print in its self-published form
  • My agent is going to take the manuscript out on submission to a traditional publisher
  • My family is moving from Colorado to Washington, D.C.
  • No more kiddos! I’m stopping at three!
  • …What else?

Well, for one: I’ve started my next novel. My fire is burning bright once again. I’m plotting out other projects, to include an expansion into Sci-Fi. I’m exhausted, but I’m also incredibly excited (did I mention I have three young kids, and we’re preparing to move again?!).

For those of you in the trenches: Sometimes, going through the motions can be enough. My publishing mantra has long been: you can’t control when lightning will strike, but you can keep planting lightning rods.

Well, for me, I feel like lightning has finally struck. Where else will this crazy journey take me? I don’t know! It’s incredibly thrilling, but we’ll have to wait and see.

Until then, I remain faithfully your author,

PS – Have you been following along since 2012, or are you new to the party? I’d love to know in the comments below! And if you have your own publishing journey, please share where you’re at and if our stories are similar or wildly different. We’re all in this together 🙂

Deep Dive: Steep Competition(s)!

I’ve been writing a lot of short stories recently, and there’s a question that naturally begs itself: what do you do with a short story?

Eventually, the plan is to publish my own collection…but first? Story competitions and (hopefully) publication in various literary magazines and anthologies.

I’ve written nine shorts so far, and I’m submitting these to competitions while I work on other stories. I’ve already had results back from a few such outlets, as you’ll see below, and the biggest lesson I’ve learned thus far is: it’s all subjective.

Just like book reviews, where one reader might offer a scathing 1-star critique, another reader might shower the book with 5-star praises; it’s all about connecting with the right reader at the right time.

As I’ve been looking for reputable contests to submit my shorts, I’ve also found some novel competitions, and I’ve decided to submit my work there as well. How is it going, you ask?

Aug 1st update, by the numbers:

Novel Competitions:

  • 12 contests submitted to thus far
  • 10 pending
  • 2 rejections
  • 1 longlist/shortlist*

*I can’t say much about this one yet, because I don’t want to jeopardize the blind judging process, but I’ve made the top 2 cuts thus far! As a shortlisted finalist, I’m eagerly awaiting the competition results in September. Stay tuned for updates!

Short Story Competitions:

  • 33 contests submitted to thus far
  • 24 pending
  • 7 rejections
  • 1 withdrawn
  • 1 win/placement*

*Wait, whaaaaat???? That’s right! I won 2nd place in a short story competition!

Okay, let’s talk about my second place finish!

The Deepest Part of Man is an Edwardian epistolary tale of dread told in the style of Edgar Allan Poe and HP Lovecraft. It was a fun exercise to put myself in the shoes of these forefathers of the horror & Sci-Fi genres, and I hope you’ll enjoy reading my story as much as I enjoyed writing it!

The Henshaw Press competition is run by Hobeck Books, a small, independent publisher based in Staffordshire, UK. The competition runs quarterly, with anthologies of winning entries (that’s me!) published as they’re collected.

But you don’t have to wait that long to read my story.

The top three award winners are published right now on the Henshaw Press competition awards page!

What’s next? Well, I plan to continue writing stories and submitting to competitions! I’ll post collected results like this periodically on this blog, or you can follow me on social media for more instantaneous results announcements.

Thanks for reading, and in the meantime, wish me luck!

Your author,

Summer Updates

Summer is heating up! In this blog post you’ll learn more about a Click Your Poison update, author life, and new opportunities ahead.

Up first: it’s the 10th Anniversary of MURDERED this year!

As such, I’ll be making a deluxe illustrated hardcover edition to celebrate, full of bonus goodies like a new cover, behind-the-scenes illustrations, photos and stories from my own travels to Brazil, the jungle, and the favelas, and more! (if you have any other ideas, let me know in the comments)

Stay tuned for updates on this project. And if you haven’t heard yet, there’s a 10th Anniversary Deluxe edition of INFECTED and a fully-illustrated hardcover of HAUNTED already in existence!

The Rising Cost of Print Books

It seems like everything is getting more expensive these days, and the publishing world is no exception. The cost of book printing is increasing. In some ways, its a minor miracle that printing costs haven’t changed in my ten years as a professional author, and I think we’re fortunate they haven’t gone higher.

What does this mean for you?

You’ve probably seen some price hikes already, but for my titles, I’ll need to increase prices of physical books by about $1. I keep my margins low, but with the printer increases, I need to raise the price so that expanded markets like libraries can still order my books.

The price change will go into effect by the end of next week, so if you’ve been waiting to complete your Click Your Poison collection or try out Social Vampire, now’s the time!

Check out my full catalog here:

How’s it going?

I’ve been busy since the launch of Social Vampire this spring.

Hair today, gone tomorrow. Time for a new look! What do you think?

On the writing front, I’ve been working on short stories, which I hope to collect in an anthology later this year. I’ve been submitting a few of these to contests and literary journals, as well as submitting my novel to various book awards.

On a personal note, my wife and I are expecting our third child, who’s scheduled to arrive next month! Hopefully, short projects like these and the deluxe illustrated edition of MURDERED will still be doable with a full house…

I’m also going to do a few book signings, starting with the grand re-opening of The Book Archive on July 1st, which has featured my stories in the Fountain/Colorado Springs area since last fall.

That’s about it for this update. In the meantime, you can find me on social media, on my website, or in my books. Happy summer reading!

Mayday, mayday, mayday!

I need your help on this day in May (see what I did there?).

Do you love libraries and local bookstores? Meeee too!

A bookstore, somewhere, presumably.

I used a new distributor for Social Vampire that makes it easier than ever for the book to hit shelves, but that’s where you come in. If you request it, using the book’s unique title, my unique name, or this unique identifier (ISBN: 1954747055), your favorite book-based location can order the book in at a very favorable rate.

Please let me know if you’re going to bring Social Vampire to your hometown by name-checking it in the comments. I’d love to know how far and wide this book is spreading!

Note the category…

Social Vampire Contests, Reviews, Giveaways & More!

It’s nearly a week since the launch of Social Vampire, contests have started, and the reviews are already coming in:

If you want to catch more contests, keep reading below, and make sure you’re following me on my Facebook author page.

How about a contest for those who follow my blog? Check out the Rafflecopter entry form below, where you can win a $25 Amazon gift card to spend on the Social Vampire deluxe hardcover, paperback, or ebook (and whatever else you’d like!).

Giveaway will open in a new tab/window

Want to know more about the story? Another fun feature you may have missed during the launch week was the audio teaser! My narrator, RC Bray, is working on the full audiobook, but helped me make a trailer for launch.

If you’d like, you can head over to my YouTube channel to listen to an extended trailer.

Lastly, as I continue to try to build buzz over the book launch, I’d like to ask you for your help! Please consider leaving your honest thoughts wherever you buy or rate books. This is an easy, free way to support an indie author like me. And the truth is, I couldn’t do any of this without that support! Thank you all for reading.

New Release Day! Social Vampire: A Novel

I’ve been trying to figure out the best way to tell you, and the world at large, about this book.

Although I have seven published books, Social Vampire is technically my debut novel. The other titles are better classified as gamebooks, or interactive fiction (I’m talking about my Click Your Poison series here).

But unlike my other books, the only choice here, is whether or not to give it a try.

No flowchart necessary, though the story is full of twists and turns!

The novel is meant to be humorous, heartfelt, and to resonate with both teens and adults. Coming-of-age is a genre of fiction for general audiences, but my protagonist is a teenager; does that make the book YA?

There are romantic elements to the story — should I highlight those, like in this promotional graphic?

Not Romance with a capital R, but it is a story of young love.

In a perfect world, I’d like you to hear about this book through word of mouth. It might not look like something you’d normally read. It might not even sound like what you’d normally read, but if a trusted friend recommended it, I’d hope you would give it a try.

So let me start: read this book.

You’ll find heart and soul, clever turns of phrase, genuine laugh-out-loud moments throughout, and probably a chapter or two threatening to be a tearjerker.

After that, it’s your turn. If you read the book and love it, tell the world!

Reviews are appreciated, and crucial to a book launch.

As you can see above, the early reviews are flowing in. Here are some more testimonials:

“It’s like Mean Girls flavored with Teen Wolf”
(for my film & TV followers)

“In the vein of John Green”
(for my literary lovers)

(for the humor fans)

And, of course, I hope to see your thoughts on the book as well. But you’ve got to get it first… Fortunately, the day has finally arrived! Social Vampire is now widely available in both print and ebook. Here’s a list of just some of the retailers that carry the book:

Want to know more?

Head over to the Social Vampire page for more information, as well as instructions on how to order the book to your local library or favorite brick-and-mortar bookstore:

Are you excited? Are you willing to give it a try? Let me know in the comments below.

Social Vampire COVER REVEAL

In bringing Social Vampire into the world as a novel, I knew I had to create a cover that jumps off the page as much as the story does. Something that would showcase the fact that the book is hilarious, but with heart hiding beneath.

After weeks of design and workshopping, I finally have a cover I love.

And today I’m ready to show it off!

What’s more: as of now, the book is available for preorder in both Kindle edition and paperback.

What’s even more: the book is available to PURCHASE TODAY in hardcover. That’s right, you can get Social Vampire a full five weeks early in hardcover! I’m still waiting for my copy to arrive so I can show it off, but the hardcover edition has a gorgeous removable dust jacket and a handful of interior illustrations to make it extra special.

A few notes:

  • With an official release date of 4/4/2023, the novel will launch in paperback, ebook, and audiobook (hopefully…more on this later).
  • The ebook version will initially be Kindle-exclusive for 90 days to do various promos, with plans to take the electronic version wide to other retailers after this launch period.
  • The paperback preorder currently shows “unavailable” on Amazon, but I’m told this should update any day now. The paperback and hardcover are already available for preorder/purchase respectively at all major book retailers, including Barnes & Noble.
  • As of this post, the hardcover purchase page is so new that sales page doesn’t show the cover image, but rest assured, it’s the same as what you can see below…

So, without further ado, here’s the cover for Social Vampire!

At a new school, you get a chance to reinvent yourself, so…why not be a vampire?

Click me to see a gigantic version

What do you think? Personally, I LOVE how it turned out. From the sad-sack vampire telling us “a novel” to the mean girls vibe of the teens at the top, for me it just works.

(Aside, from a design perspective, he’s the one “upside down” but we’re seeing the story from his point of view).

And here’s the full wraparound cover:

Click me to zoom in

Okay, I’ve told you enough times that I love this cover, but now I want your thoughts! Let me know in the comments what you think (good, bad, or ugly — I’m happy to receive whatever feedback you’ve got).

Are you excited to read my first novel?

Will you be waiting for the ebook, the paperback, the audiobook, or picking up the hardcover right now?

I’ll share pictures once I get my copy of the hardcover and share more about the audiobook version soon.

Until then, I remain:

Your author,

Remodeling My Home(page)

Fashions change and the internet is no exception, so every few years I’ll give a facelift to my official online presence (namely, this site). For 2023, I’m going to use remodeling as the metaphor, since these changes are more than cosmetic.

My homepage, and all the other pages, should now be complete and ready to receive visitors!

Please, take a look around, make yourself at home, and–most importantly–let me know if you see any cracks in the foundation or leaks in the plumbing.

Tell me: what do you think?

If you’ve been here a few times over the years, let me know in the comments how this new look compares. Or, if you’re here for the first time, welcome! I’d love to hear what you think as well.

Halloween Hangover?

I don’t know about you, but Spooky Season is one of my favorite seasons. After that, it just gets cold and…merry…(shudders).

So, I’ve got a bit of a Halloween Hangover (and not just because my Vella just released part three of three in its Halloween party episodes!).

The HAUNTED: Deluxe Illustrated Collector’s Edition has been well received, so thank you to anyone who picked up a copy to keep the spooky times rolling.

I’m currently working on a collection of short stories centered around death and extinction (sounds fun, right?), which will likely also make its debut on Vella.

Now it’s November, and I need your help. If you’re not aware, Vella has these things it calls “faves” — basically a vote for your favorite story you read that week.

I kind of love that my Vella about a teen pretending to be a vampire…is the #2 fave in vampires.

They reset at the start of the month, and there’s a lot of shifting and vying for positions in these early days.

So…I need your help. 5 minutes of your time.

A new month means it’s time to crown the new kings and queens of Vella! This is the NUMBER ONE way for new people to learn about the story. I hate to ask, but it makes a huge difference.

If you’re in the US, go to my SOCIAL VAMPIRE page ( and unlock any episode (past 1-3). Then you get to vote for your “fave” — this should pop up automatically after you like the episode at the bottom, but if not, you can click the icon noted in the image below:

If you’re not in the US, I’m sorry they STILL haven’t made it available for you to read. Fear not, it will be available in print & ebook (and I’m looking into audiobook) in 2023.

Now I’m going to go crawl under a rock and try to recover from how awkward it felt asking this of my fans.

Does anyone have any bonus spooky stories they can give me? I’m enjoying Cabinet of Curiosities on Netflix. What about you?

Flash Sale – Kindle Vella

In case you missed it… 
15 chapters of “Social Vampire” are waiting for you!

We had a long holiday weekend, so in case Wednesday’s post was lost in the shuffle, today is the FINAL DAY of the Kindle Vella sale. There are 15 episodes waiting for you to unlock on Social Vampire, and best of all, I still get an author royalty. Win/win!

I’m at almost 1,000 chapter reads for the week thanks to this promo. Can you help me reach my goal? Check out Social Vampire now:

Some final points:
-Even after this flash sale ends, Prime Members will receive 200 free “tokens” to unlock future episodes. Which is great news, because episode 16 drops tomorrow!
-If you’ve started reading and you’re following the story, THANK YOU. Please consider leaving a review before the story has completed. The idea is to get people to jump on the bandwagon while the wheels are still in motion.
-I appreciate you. This is different from my other works, but if you appreciate my prose, the humor I generally suffuse into my writing, and the care with which I try to craft compelling narratives — then I think you’ll love Social Vampire as much as I do!

Have you started reading "Social Vampire" yet?

Read Now

At a new school, you get a chance to reinvent yourself.
So…why not be a vampire?